C.C.–The Joy of COLORING!

CreativityShowcase_WriterSideUp.com_byDonnaMarieAs a kid, one of my favorite “quiet time” activities was coloring. Oh, how I loved coloring books—and crayons! That big box of 64 Crayolas was a smorgasbord of colors that instantly stirred my creative juices every time I lifted that lid. I took pleasure in keeping them sorted by color, very rainbow-like now that I think about it 🙂 According to mood, I’d pick a coloring book, then flip through its pages to see which black-outlined image would strike my fancy. I’d get an idea of which colors I’d use for what and dive in.

The process of bringing to life a colorless drawing, developing it color by color into a vibrant work of art, was a fulfilling experience. What I hadn’t realized was that the picture being pre-drawn made it a completely relaxing activity! I was a kid—I wasn’t paying attention to that aspect at all, but it turns out some adult finally figured it out and thought to make it an activity we adults can implement—and not just as the occasional accompaniment for our kids 🙂

Over the past few weeks the phrase “adult coloring books” was in the air. I’d seen it mentioned in several places online, but paid it no mind until, on a recent visit to my local Barnes & Noble, a table display caught my eye:


I was compelled to take a closer look:


Every book was inviting. This was the first to lure me in:


I opened it to find lovely, paisley designs:


This book held a wide variety of subject matter I found SO appealing:


Here’s a small sampling:






I could hear them calling to me: “Please, take me home!” “Pick me! Pick me!” “Come on, give in. You know you want me…” They were begging and it was all I could do to walk away. I’d already purchased my “book for the day” so reassured them I’d be back soon—that I was looking forward to our creative collaboration. :mrgreen:

I have no doubt that when looking for a bit of respite from the many things that require so much brain power, any book on that table would be a delightful excursion. I’d welcome taking up my sharpened colored pencils or fine point markers to breathe color into what’s colorless; to build on the foundation the artist laid. Whether for relaxation or to exercise creativity in a stress-free fashion, I love the concept!

What do you think of “adult” coloring books? Do you find them as appealing as I do? Would you use them as a pleasant break or to spark creativity, or perhaps both? I’d love to hear how coloring fit into your life 🙂

***Addition, 8/3/15: Sparked by this post, over on her lovely blog Scribbles & Musings, Sandy posted on adult coloring books, too! I hope you check it out. I learned even more about them 😀 AND, of course, I gave in! lol…




14 thoughts on “C.C.–The Joy of COLORING!

  1. I love doodling and also painting with watercolor. This year I was so excited when one of my doodles was published in a zendoodle book. 🙂 I like being able to switch creative gears. I also always loved the big box of Crayola crayons!

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  2. I love coloring! I actually just ordered a bunch from Amazon with some new crayons and colored pencils…I already feel like a kid again…of course now I may have to go check out B&N too! 🙂

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        • I’m sure I will, too 😉 I’m wondering, though, if you’ll be able to use crayons successfully with them ’cause the patterns are more intricate than the coloring books we grew up with. The crayons, unless they’re always sharpened to a point (and we know how that is), may be too wide. I hope you think to let us know once you’ve started coloring 🙂

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          • I’m pretty sure crayons won’t work well…but who can resist a brand new box of crayons…especially this time of year when people are doing back to school shopping. I’m not doing any back to school shopping but the crayons were mocking me 🙂

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            • oh, that’s funny lol And, of course, you always have the option of buying traditional coloring books. I mean, after all, who can’t use a great Disney coloring book? 😉 I’ve got many! I don’t use them for coloring at this point. They’re there for reference art if I need them (though I do that online most of the time now), but I DO have them!

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  3. Pingback: Monday's Musings...Coloring - Scribbles & Musings

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