C.C.! — A Dotty Blogversary–My FIRST! (+ Giveaway)

Int'l Dot DayWell, faithful followers, since I’ve been bouncing ’round the blogosphere, I’ve noticed most blog owners commemorate their blogs’ anniversaries in one way or another. I don’t want to make a big “to do” about it, but do want to acknowledge, in some way, the milestones as they come 🙂

I can’t believe it’s been a YEAR since I launched this along with my sister blog Writer Side UP!. And it’s been one busy year, I can tell you! So busy that I haven’t posted here as often or in the ways I intended, and many times those posts have been influenced by external forces rather than my “blog-page focused” ideas. I guess you could say I ended up being a blogging “pantser” more than a “plotter,” which is not typically my style with something like this, but does fit my rather flexible nature in life. Still, I think it’s worked out well so far :mrgreen:

Back in 2013, having learned about International Dot Day, it sparked a longing to participate in this wonderful, annual event. It stood to figure that last summer (2014) when I became determined to launch my blogs, the approach of Dot Day 2014 gave me the best launch deadline to shoot for since my blogs would give me the venue to post my very first Dot! Because of this I also had the pleasure of interviewing Terry Shay, the man responsible for creating the day itself! With that in my mind it made sense to me that to publicly observe my blogversaries the perfect way would be to combine the celebrations. I can’t think of a better way to “mark” my blogversaries than by “making my mark” each year with a new Dot! I had planned to create one each year anyway 😉 So—without further ado, I’d like to present my dot for 2015. It was a lot of fun creating it and I hope you like it 🙂

Dot Gets Creative - text

Dot Gets Creative2 - Dot Day 2015

So, a big “THANK YOU!” to you all for following me. I hope you’ve enjoyed some of my posts and, for sure, I hope to bring you some good ones in the future. In fact, to show my appreciation, I’m doing a giveaway! All you need to do is leave a comment here for a chance to win either a mouse pad or 3 bookmarks (U.S. and outside), then on or shortly after Dot Day—September 15th-ish—I’ll randomly pick 3 winners! I’m also doing a giveaway at Writer Side UP! (which includes a notebook!), if you care to go there, too! I’d love it if you did. (The posts on each blog are basically the same since I will always be celebrating the blogversaries and Dot Day in the same way each year, BUT the giveaways are separate and different, just so you know 😉 )

Mousepad     Bookmarks-20%brighter

So, it’s a Happy 1st Blogversary at Creativity Cookbook and Writer Side UP!

Thank you for sharing in my special day, but what I most hope you share in is celebrating International Dot Day in whatever creative way you choose 😀


13 thoughts on “C.C.! — A Dotty Blogversary–My FIRST! (+ Giveaway)

  1. Congratulations on your first anniversary! Is it really that long? Doesn’t time fly!
    I love your new dot. It has a certain sparkle showing a joy in life and all things creative. It expresses yourself and your theme beautifully. Well done. And yes, I have enjoyed your posts and look forward to enjoying many more. Plotter or pantser, anyway is fine with me, as long as they keep on coming. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi again! 😉 Um… I just wanted you to know that the UP! post says that this giveaway includes a notebook, but this post says that the UP! giveaway has a notebook. I don’t know if that means anything, but I thought I’d let you know. 🙂
    Happy Blogiversary! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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