C.C….and the Winners are…

GiveawaysWell, I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking the launch parties were a success on both sites! The party’s not over, though, until all the party favors are handed out 🙂 Of course, in this case they’re handed out to a randomly select few. I sincerely wish I could give them to ALL my party guests, but after shelling out quite a bit for the band, disco lights and fireworks…well, you get the picture 😉

With a whopping 6 giveaways—3 on each blog—I have to tell you, it was a bit unnerving using Rafflecopter for the first time. I was SO afraid of making an irreversible mistake! I’m happy to tell you that when all was said and done, I had a list of 6 lucky winners 🙂 I thoroughly enjoyed notifying each of them and their Continue reading

C.C.: Q&A with TERRY SHAY!

Terry ShayQ&A-LighterSideUp_WriterSideUp.com_byDonnaMarie

A “Lighter Side Up” Q & A:

Getting to Know Terry Shay


Hello, everyone! Welcome to my VERY FIRST “Lighter Side Up” Q&A! I am VERY excited about today’s perfect guest to christen my new blog and celebrate International Dot Day 2014! (See “Important Update” and for further celebration, my first Dot on Writer Side UP!) I’m sure, especially after hearing more about Terry, you’ll have questions and comments he’d love to address!

Not ’til recently, while researching as much as I could about Peter H. and Paul A. Reynolds, did I finally come to find out who Terry Shay is. I’d seen his name and handle on Twitter many times, but never got to investigating. Well—now I know!

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DISCOlights  ROCKBandTRIO  DISCOlights



Welcome to my humble internet abode! In your honor, I’ve been pushing hard to fix up the place (you know how it is when company’s coming 😉 ), so please, make yourself at home and feel free to look around!

The Navigation Bar is one big “treasure hunt” of pages jam-packed with descriptions of all the “goodies” you’ll come to find each time you visit. Some are already there just waiting to be discovered*, and you’ll find plenty of treats filling the Home Page sidebar and the footers on every page, too! So be sure to turn up the music—you’ll find the Play button on the sidebar! This IS a party, after all 😀

In fact, to do this in style, everyone (in the continental U.S. & Canada) has a chance to win Continue reading